Council is pleased to announce it will be running another ‘Dump for Free’ weekend from Saturday 15 March 2025 to Sunday 16 March 2025 for Leeton Shire residents at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Centre and Whitton Transfer Station.
Council's ordinary meetings are normally held on the fourth Tuesday of the month commencing 6.30pm unless otherwise advertised.
These meetings are open to all members of the public. Confidential items are considered in closed session, which excludes press and public. Council meetings are now video recorded. Members of the public are advised that their voice and/or image may form part of that recording.
Agendas and reports for upcoming Council meetings are available on Council's website as soon they are published. The minutes of the previous meeting are also available as soon as practical following the meeting.
It should be noted that all ordinary meeting minutes are unconfirmed until the next scheduled meeting of Council where they are formally adopted.
Anyone wishing to address Council in relation to a matter that is in the monthly agenda is required to register to speak for a maximum of three (3) minutes by Tuesday at 12 noon preceding the scheduled Council meeting.
If you would like to address Council, please complete an Application Form to Address Council at a Meeting or email Council at