Leeton Shire Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purpose of managing the Recycling Shop located at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Depot.
Phase 3 of the CBD Enhancement Project focuses on the refurbishment of the Chelmsford Place Promenade and seeks to realise Walter Burley Griffin’s original design intention of a central town square based on symmetrical lines with a bold land axis, ornamental pools and shaded walkways.
Council has completed Leeton CBD Enhancement Project Phase 1 and 2 – Wade Avenue, which focused on the redevelopment of Wade Avenue between Pine Avenue and Jarrah Street. The redevelopment incorporates angled parking, a centre median, a formal pedestrian crossing, upgraded street lighting and new pedestrian pavement on both sides of Wade Avenue. The images below depict the works in progress and the completed result of the Leeton CBD Enhancement Project Phase 1 and 2 – Wade Avenue.
Chelmsford Place, Leeton 2705 View Map
Chelmsford Place , Leeton 2705
CBD Redevelopment Wade Ave - work in progress
CBD Redevelopment Wade Ave - work in progress2
CBD Redevelopment - Phase 1 and 2 - completed works