Whitton and Yanco Residents Invited to Community Workshops in March
Published on 18 February 2025
Finding creative ways to stimulate the next round of local community and economic renewal in our Shire’s villages is the objective behind two Community Opportunity Workshops (COWs) coming to Whitton and Yanco in March.
Led by world-renowned social capitalist and community enthusiast, Peter Kenyon, with the support of Rural Aid, the workshops are an opportunity for local residents to engage in conversation, bounce ideas off each other and participate in prioritising possible and desired actions important to the future of Whitton and Yanco. This feedback will then inform the development of town improvement plans for the respective communities.
Leeton Shire Council Mayor Cr George Weston is encouraging interested locals to attend the workshops.
“The Community Opportunity Workshops provide another fantastic opportunity to build on previous community / town improvement plans and bring about the next iteration of positive change for both Yanco and Whitton,” he said.
“Peter Kenyon is an industry leader in this space, and we are very fortunate to have him onboard again following his successful workshops held back in 2018.
“It would be great to get residents from all walks of life to come along to the workshops to ensure the feedback we receive is reflective of the whole community,” said Mayor Weston.
The first session of the Community Opportunity Workshop program commences Tuesday 4 March at 6pm at the Yanco Community Hall. The second session will take place the next day on Wednesday 5 March at 6pm at the Whitton Community Hall. A complimentary light supper and refreshments will be provided at both events.
For further information please phone Council on (02) 6953 0911 or email council@leeton.nsw.gov.au.
Brent Lawrence
Manager Business Services
T. (02) 6953 0911
E. brentl@leeton.nsw.gov.au