Vance Industrial Estate Expansion Project Nearing Completion

Published on 24 March 2025


An important project aimed at bolstering Leeton Shire’s local economy is set to be delivered with the expansion of Vance Industrial Estate (Stage 3) in its final construction phase.

“We are now at the stage where all services, including electricity, water, sewer and stormwater, have been installed and switched on. The roadworks base courses have also been laid and are awaiting completion of sealing works; a process that contractor Excell Gray Bruni has commenced last week,” explained Director Operations Silas Darby.

“No capital works project is without its challenges and as such we had to address and resolve two complex issues in the discovery and removal of asbestos found on site and encountering groundwater during the excavation of the sewer pump station. Both matters were able to be resolved within budget and without causing delay to the works program,” said Mr Darby.

Mayor Cr George Weston said he is looking forward to seeing the long-awaited project come to fruition.

“Vance Estate Stage 3 will make available much-needed fully serviced industrial land to help attract new businesses to our Shire. This will provide new job opportunities for our residents and hopefully even encourage more people to move to Leeton.

“Council sincerely thanks the Australian Government for their $2.277M funding contribution towards the Vance Estate expansion under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program," said Mayor Weston.

The total project value for Vance Estate Stage 3 including planning designs and approvals is $7.83M with a Council voted contribution of $5.5M (the majority of which will be recouped from the sale of the lots).  

With five blocks already ‘sold’ off the plans, Council is pleased to share the remaining 15 industrial lots, varying from 2,819 sqm - 4,024 sqm, are now available to be purchased through McGrath Riverina – Leeton & Narrandera. For more information please contact Craig Tyrrell on 0437 748 272 or Andrew Pellow on 0488 226 351.



Michelle Evans
Director Economic & Community Development
T. (02) 6953 0911

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