Leeton Shire Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purpose of managing the Recycling Shop located at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Depot.
Published on 28 July 2022
As Per Roads Regulation 2018, notice is hereby given under Roads Act 1993, for temporary road closures along the following road:
Roads: APOSTLE YARD Road – between ROUND HILL Road and WATTLE Road
Duration: Saturday 6 August 2022 for 1 day only.
Reason: To allow Murrumbidgee Irrigations Contractor – WaterTek Civil Pty Ltd – to complete pipe crossing construction activities.
Detour: Detour is available via Boundary Road and Wattle Road.
Council apologises for any inconvenience and appreciates you for your co-operation in following all road closures and detour guidance in place during construction.
For any further questions or concerns please contact David Huxley – WaterTek Civil - on M: 0409 535 275