Survey of Shire’s Sealed Roads Commences Soon
Published on 23 January 2024
This week, special vehicles with advanced video imaging technology will be surveying the Shire’s 410kms of sealed roads to collect condition data.
Council is asking drivers to please keep a safe following distance of a full car length when driving behind the inspection vehicles so that the rear cameras have an unobstructed view of the road surface.
As part of responsible Asset Management, and to keep local roads safe, Council does a condition assessment of its sealed roads every 4-5 years. The imaging collected picks up cracking, pavement & surface defects, stripping and flushing, which are generally not easily observed by the naked eye.
Acting Director Operations, Luke Tedesco, said that video imaging of sealed roads is an efficient and effective way to collect important data for making good decisions on road maintenance and road renewals.
“Engaging contractors with the right equipment helps Council to better prioritise where and when to spend the ratepayers’ valuable dollars on Council roads.”
“Simply looking at the road surface is not enough. Advanced imaging gives us a better idea of what is happening below the surface. If we identify and treat emerging problems early, we can save a lot of money in the long run,” he added.
The contractor doing the assessment of the roads is Infrastructure Management Group. They start the video imaging surveys on Thursday, 25 January 2024, and will be on the roads for a week. All cameras are focussed on the road and kerb mainly. No recordings are made of any private property.
Luke Tedesco
Acting Director Operations
T. (02) 6953 0911