Mayoral Column - March 2025

Published on 08 March 2025

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Fresh in our minds is the spectacular Roxy Gala Concert held on Saturday, 1 March 2025 – a red carpet event which celebrated the completion of Stage 1 of the Roxy Theatre redevelopment. The show reminded us just how much talent is linked to the Shire, with Leeton’s best of the best - soloists, choirs, bands, performers, and dancers – providing world-class entertainment! Sincere thanks to Jake Speer, Director, and Emma Di Muzio, Producer, and the amazing teams behind them. Of particular note is the 88-person strong Volunteer "Dream Team", led by Sue Gavel. More information can be found below.

Our sincere thanks to the NSW Government and Australian Government for their combined $7.2M investment in Stage 1 of the Roxy project and to our incredible project management team and local trades who turned plans into reality. In more exciting news, Council was notified in January of the Federal Growing Regions funding for Stage 2 of the Roxy Theatre Redevelopment. This funding will fully realise the vision for the Roxy Community Theatre, delivering a multi-purpose theatrette, function kitchen and theatre management office in the adjacent building to the Roxy theatre auditorium, in turn increasing the venue's capacity, flexibility and revenue raising potential.

On a different note, Council has two important opportunities for you to have your say: The DRAFT Housing Strategic Implementation Plan is now on public exhibition until 28 March 2025. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of housing in our Shire. Additionally, we are seeking community input on the Renewal of Alcohol-Free Zones in Leeton and Yanco. These zones play a vital role in maintaining public safety and amenity, and your insights are invaluable. Submissions close on 1 April 2025.

I would also like to praise our community's efforts in maintaining low FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) contamination rates since the introduction of the new service in July 2024. Your diligence in proper waste sorting is commendable and contributes significantly to our environmental sustainability goals. Keep up the good work! Read more about this below in our six-monthly FOGO progress report.

In February, Council endorsed the new CSP (Community Strategic Plan) called “Leeton On The Go – Towards 2035”. I’d like to thank residents, community groups and agencies that took the time to help shape this important document that sets our community’s aspirations for the next 10 years. As Council we will now consider how we might help achieve your aspirations when we determine our new 4-year Delivery Program.

Lastly, I am pleased to announce that Round 2 of our Community Strengthening Grants program is now open. These grants can help support local projects that enhance community wellbeing and development. If you would like to know more, please contact our Community Development Coordinator, Maddy Routley, on (02) 6953 0911. Applications close on Tuesday, 30 April 2025.

Stay connected and involved!

Mayor Cr George Weston

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