Little Bang Discovery Club @ Leeton Shire Library

Published on 14 January 2021

Budding young scientists in the Leeton community now have the opportunity to participate in an exciting new program hosted by Leeton Shire Library.

Little Bang Discovery Club is a 4-session hands-on program specially developed for preschoolers aged 3-5 years. The program recognizes that young children are natural scientists, inquisitive and curious, and keen to learn and discover the world around them.

Each program session encourages children to make their own discoveries through observation, investigation and experimentation. The program concludes in session 4 with a graduation ceremony for the junior discoverers.

First developed by Children’s Discovery, this program has enjoyed enormous success and has been delivered by libraries across Australian reaching over 2000 children.

“The library team is very happy to be offering this quality STEM-based program to young people in Leeton,” said Terry O’Keefe, Manager Library. “Staff have attended specialized training and have been practicing all the fun experiments to be prepared to assist the children and parents on their discovery journey.”

Little Bang Discovery Club will start on Monday 1 February 2021 from 10.30 to 11.30am. Parents are expected to commit to attend for each of the four sessions. Bookings are essential to ensure there is enough experiment equipment for each attending child.

Please contact Zoey at the library on 6953 0962 for more information or to make your booking.