Leeton Waterslide Opens this Saturday

Published on 30 October 2024


Council is pleased to advise that the Leeton Waterslide will open this weekend (Saturday, 2 November 2024) and that the ride height restriction has been lowered by 30cm.

Following a successful and incident-free first season, and discussions with its insurer, Council has reduced the ride height to 90cm (down from 120cm) in an effort to enable more kids to experience the exhilarating slides.

Director Operations, Silas Darby, said it’s important to note that any children using the slide must be able to independently and confidently climb the stairs and use the slide.  

“The safety of our patrons remains Council’s biggest priority and slide attendants will actively assess riders’ ability to access and safely ride the water slides.

“Unchanged is the rule that all rides are to remain single with no double-up riding allowed, including parents and children. This will continue to be strictly applied. Council would also like to remind patrons that swimwear must be worn and jewellery taken off prior to using the slide,” he said.

The slides are free to use and will be open from 4.30pm to 5.30pm on weekdays and 1.30pm to 4.30pm on weekends during normal operating hours, subject to weather and patronage.

In addition, Council wishes to remind patrons that the kiosk at the Leeton Regional Aquatic Centre will re-open on the same day (2 November 2024) with opening times being 3.30pm to 7.00pm on weekdays and 1.30pm to 7pm on weekends.

Council wishes patrons an enjoyable and safe swimming season.

For general enquiries for both facilities, please call Council’s Recreation Facilities and Program Coordinator during business hours on (02) 6953 0985 or email recreation@leeton.nsw.gov.au.  

To contact the Leeton Regional Aquatic Centre directly, call (02) 6953 2087 or kiosk staff on (02) 6951 3109.



Josh Clyne
Manager Open Space & Recreation
T. (02) 6953 0911
E. joshc@leeton.nsw.gov.au

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