Leeton Shire Youth Council Welcomes New Students
Published on 06 September 2023
The Leeton Shire Youth Council held its third meeting for 2023 on Monday, 4 September. Eight (8) students were in attendance, representing their respective schools St Francis College and Leeton High School.
Mayor Cr Tony Reneker welcomed Naz dana Saifi, Fatana Yousufi, Chelsea Clark and Oliver Bruno to Youth Council. They join existing Youth Councillors Eustace Ihuarulam, Ruby Miller, Stella Mallamace and Genevieve Hillman.
At the meeting, the students were given a presentation by Council’s Waste & Recycling Coordinator, Guy Retallick, on the new three-bin kerbside collection service that is going to be implemented in 2024. They were then given the opportunity to ask questions and say whether or not they supported the rollout of the green-lidded bin.
Cr Krystal Maytom, expressing her delight with the turnout and input provided, said, “It’s not often that students get the chance to have their voices heard on real matters concerning Council and the community, so it was wonderful to see how engaged they were in the discussions.”
“We are looking forward to the next meeting in December and hope all students were able to take something away from this.”
The Youth Council has been established in an effort to provide advice to Leeton Shire Council and develop young leaders in an inclusive space where all views are respected as well as building awareness of local councils and constructive engagement as citizens.
The next Leeton Shire Youth Council meeting will take place on Monday, 4 December 2023.
Emily Goodall
Community Development Coordinator
T. (02) 6953 0911
E. emilyg@leeton.nsw.gov.au