DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2025 on public exhibition
Published on 29 September 2022
Council has endorsed its DRAFT Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) to be placed on public exhibition for 28 days.
The purpose of a DIAP is to set out actions so that people with a disability can access general support and services and can participate fully in the community.
The DIAP guides Council in improving access and inclusion for people living with a disability throughout Leeton Shire.
Council adopted its first Disability Inclusion Action Plan in 2017. The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 requires councils to review the DIAP every four years in line with the Delivery Program.
Due to Covid-19, this timeline has been extended and councils must review their 2017 DIAP by 30 November 2022.
If you live with a disability or care for someone living with a disability, we want to hear from you. More information is available on Council’s Have your Say portal via Council’s website https://haveyoursay.leeton.nsw.gov.au/draft-disability-inclusion-action-plan-sept-2022
The community is encouraged to provide feedback to Council in any of the following ways:
ELECTRONICALLY: Complete the survey on Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ online engagement portal
BY EMAIL TO: council@leeton.nsw.gov.au
BY LETTER: Addressed to the General Manager, 23–25 Chelmsford Place, Leeton NSW 2705.
BY PHONE/IN PERSON: (02) 6353 0911 (request to speak to Council’s Community Project Planner, Emily Goodall).
Feedback closes at 5pm on Wednesday 26 October 2022. For more information, please contact Council’s Community Project Planner, Emily Goodall, on (02) 6953 0911.