DRAFT 2024/25 Operational Plan, Budget & Revenue Policy on Exhibition
Published on 30 April 2024
Key operational documents that set out Council’s priorities for 2024/25 are now on public exhibition following endorsement by Council at its April Ordinary meeting. Feedback is being invited from ratepayers and residents.
These documents include Council’s 2024/25 DRAFT Operational Plan, DRAFT Budget and DRAFT Revenue Policy (including Fees & Charges).
The DRAFT Operational Plan 2024/25 sets out the wide range of services Council delivers. Structured across 66 functional areas that report through to the Senior Management Team who then report to Council, the organisation is set to deliver over 182 actions that collectively help achieve a strong community, healthy environment, and thriving economy.
General Manager Jackie Kruger said with Council elections being held in September 2024, the Annual Plan and Budget in 2024/25 is largely focussed on business-as-usual, with a greatly reduced general fund capital works program compared to previous years.
“The most significant change to business is the introduction of FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) which sees a third green-lidded bin introduced into the kerbside collection service as from 1 July 2024. Achieving FOGO is part of a federal and state government mandate and Council is pleased to be rolling it out to our residents for only a very modest cost increase which is essentially no more than what the annual CPI equivalent adjustment to the previous 2-bin service would have been.
“The 2024/25 financial year will also mark the first year of the two-year rates rebalancing program aimed at improving fairness and equity across the rating categories, which will see the rate peg redistributed from Farmland onto Business for two years (only). Residential ratepayers will see no change to the proportion of rates paid overall (beyond the annual rate peg).
“Works for Stage 2 of the Roxy (pending successful grant funding) will be completed in 24/25 year. At this stage, Vance Estate is not in the budget as Council is reviewing the scope of the project and estimated costs. Once those are confirmed and considered by Council, the project may be re-introduced into the Annual Operations Plan and Budget at the June 2024 Council meeting as it has previously been voted,” she said.
With housing still suffering critical shortages, Council remains alert to opportunities to develop the former Brobenah Road campground in Leeton and the lot owned by Council in Conapaira Street, Whitton. Council will actively seek government investment to help support the development of the available land but is first needing to undertake full design plans and costings.
General Manager Jackie Kruger highlighted that Council has benefitted from unexpected and unprecedented levels of roads funding of late, with $1.9M of Disaster Recovery Financial Assistance forecast for the 2024/25 program of works.
“Our focus remains on our comprehensive sealed and unsealed road network, with available funds to be directed to resealing, rehabilitation, heavy patching and grading.
“As your Local Water Utility (which is not funded through rates), we have a more extensive capital program this year as we focus on improving operations and services and catching up on the infrastructure backlog. This includes the replacement of the water main in Hanwood St and improvement works at the raw water supply dam inlet.
“For sewer, the aeration tank aerators will be overhauled and Pump Station 4 in Leeton will be upgraded,” she said.
Mayor Cr Tony Reneker emphasised that while Council has relatively healthy cash reserves of $48M, achieving financial sustainability of Council’s general fund remains a significant challenge and cannot be ignored over the next 12 months.
“IPART has issued a rate peg of 4.5%, which, once again, doesn’t meet inflation or cover award increases. To this end, Council plans to continue having conversations with the community about how to increase revenue (with a view to the next Council revisiting the option of a Special Rate Variation) and/or decrease costs (including reductions in service levels),” he said.
“It is important for our Shire to remain progressive and relevant. Our Operations Plan and Budget continues to signal our ongoing commitment to keeping Leeton Shire an attractive place to live, work, play and raise a family,” said Mayor Cr Reneker.
An updated Long-Term Financial Plan is not yet ready and will be advertised in the coming months ahead of any SRV consultation. Any decision about an SRV or not will fall to the new Council which will be elected in September 2024.
View the DRAFT 2024/25 Operational Plan, Budget and Revenue Policy (including Fees & Charges) on Council’s website or on Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ online engagement portal at haveyoursay.leeton.nsw.gov.au.
Hard copies are available for viewing by the public at the Leeton Shire Council Administration Office, Leeton Library, Yanco Shop, and Murrami & Whitton Post Offices.
The community is encouraged to provide feedback to Council on the DRAFT documents in any of the following ways:
ELECTRONICALLY (Preferred): Complete the survey on Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ online engagement portal at haveyoursay.leeton.nsw.gov.au.
BY EMAIL TO: council@leeton.nsw.gov.au
BY LETTER TO: The General Manager, 23–25 Chelmsford Place, Leeton NSW 2705.
Submissions must be received by Council by 5pm on Tuesday, 28 May 2024.
Any feedback received will be considered by Council at a public forum and workshop scheduled for 12 June 2024, ahead of Council’s final decision at the June Ordinary Council Meeting.
Jackie Kruger
General Manager
T. 02 6953 0911
E: jackiek@leeton.nsw.gov.au
Cr Tony Reneker
T. 0448 535 004
E: tonyr@leeton.nsw.gov.au