Leeton Shire Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purpose of managing the Recycling Shop located at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Depot.
Published on 17 March 2023
Leeton Shire Council is pleased to announce its participation in a Network Leak Detection Program pilot run by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).
As part of this water conservation program, specialist water network leak detection contractors have already started undertaking surveys to identify hidden water leaks and will provide Council with a report with leak locations mapped. The report will also highlight any associated asset maintenance issues.
Manager Water & Wastewater John Pearson is looking forward to the report as it will help Council address water leaks in the LGA’s network that are unknown and difficult to locate.
“Phase 2 of the Regional Network Leakage Detection Project is part of the NSW Government’s $12.5 million Regional Leakage Reduction Program which has already seen more than 2,700 kilometres of water mains surveyed and more than 930 leaks found, saving Councils across NSW over billions of litres of lost water this year alone,” he said.
There is no cost to Council associated with the leak detection works however the leak repair costs need to be borne by Council. Leaks identified will be documented and reported to Council upon completion of the works.
John Pearson Manager Water & Wastewater T. (02) 6953 0911 E. johnp@leeton.nsw.gov.au