Council Approves Two Development Applications

Published on 01 November 2024


At the October Ordinary Council Meeting, two Development Applications (DA) were unanimously green-lit following thorough review by councillors. The DAs went before Council due to more than one objection being received for each application.

The first DA related to the construction of a detached 30m long x 12m wide x 5.8m high shed and relocation of an existing horse stable on Petersham Road, Leeton. Following a neighbour notification, Council received three submissions opposing the development with one speaker making their case at the Council meeting. The speakers referred to impacts on views, noise and light disturbance and reduction in native wildlife due to site clearing.

In the end, the DA was approved with the recommended conditions. It was determined that the bulk and scale of the shed/stable would not result in a significant loss of amenity for neighbouring premises. In addition, the proposed development was not considered likely to significantly affect threatened species or ecological communities as the Biodiversity Offsets Scheme area clearing threshold was not exceeded and the subject site did not include threatened species as per the Biodiversity Conservation Act. Noise and light disturbance impacts were considered consistent with the use of this type of property.

The second DA tabled on the night was relating to the construction of a place of worship (church) and carparking facilities on Daalbata Road, Leeton. Three submissions were received during the notification period opposing the development, referencing impacts on traffic, parking, noise and loss in value of property. The only speaker for this item was the proponent.

Council acknowledged these concerns on the night however concluded that the impacts on traffic, parking and acoustics would be considered acceptable given the small scale of the development and the limited operating hours.

The applications and officer’s assessment reports are available to read here.



Francois Van Der Berg
Manager Planning, Building & Health
T. (02) 6953 0911

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