Council Appoints Three New Independent Members to its ARIC Committee

Published on 24 May 2024

Three new independent members were appointed to Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC), following endorsement at the May Ordinary Meeting. The new members are:

  • Ms. Kerry Phillips (B.Com, FCPA, FAICD) for the initial term of four years – chair elect. Ms. Phillips has extensive experience in the oversight of the development and delivery of risk management, governance and control frameworks, legislative compliance, and fraud and corruption control as it applies to both NSW and QLD local government jurisdictions.
  • Mr. David Kortum (BA PLS, CBCI, CFE) for the initial term of three years.
    Mr. Kortum has proven experience in consulting with the Local Government sector in risk management, business continuity, crisis management, integrity, governance, fraud and corruption.
  • Mr. Max Shanahan (FCPA, CISA, MACS (senior), MIIA (Aust), CGEIT) for the initial term of two years. Mr. Shanahan is a recognised expert in IT including 10 years as a programmer/analyst in Australia and the UK and 15 years with the Australian National Audit Office. He is a past member of the IT Governance Institute’s COBIT steering committee and was the Chair of ISACA's enterprise COBIT certification taskforce.

All three members are experienced, having worked with other Local Government ARIC’s as a Chair and/or independent member for several terms.

To allow the new ARIC members to benefit from the knowledge and experience of current ARIC Chair, Mr. Graham Bradley (CA ANZ, BBus), Council also extended Mr. Bradley’s position on the committee for up to a year, remaining as the ARIC Chair for the first six months, covering two meetings.

The new members were selected based on their skills, expertise and qualifications in business, financial and legal compliance, risk management, internal audit, as well as specialised skills in the operations of councils.

Council expressed its gratitude to retiring committee members Mr. Emerson Doig, Mr. William Robertson and Cr Tracey Morris for their dedicated service.

Under new ARIC guidelines issued by the NSW Government, Councillors may no longer serve on ARIC’s and independent members need to meet set eligibility criteria.



Avtar Singh
Director Corporate / CFO
T. (02) 6953 0911

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