Behind the Scenes at the Roxy – 29 August 2023

Published on 29 August 2023


The Roxy continues to be a hive of activity with the last fortnight seeing the completion of internal concreting works in the stage area, further demolition works in preparation for steel construction, and a heritage review.

IMG_2670_compressed.jpg The stage area will be one of the first locations to see steel installed. Therefore, the existing concrete slab was extended to the back of the stage by Brendan Horton and his local team. 

Further concreting works were undertaken in the old storage room, located opposite to the stage.

The space, upon completion, will provide new access from the extended foyer enabling disability access via the front door of the Roxy.

IMG_2556_compressed.jpg Noel Thomson, the Roxy’s Heritage Consultant, also visited the site to ensure all heritage aspects were covered. Noel has been consulting on the Roxy for a long time, having first given advice in 2016. His involvement has seen him consulting on the original timber flooring, radiators, paint colour selections, light fittings, cooling fans, and more.

“It’s an ongoing review and input into the site and the construction as it continues to evolve. On Council’s behalf I provide reporting that can then be used by Heritage NSW as a record later on,” said Noel.

Every fortnight Council will be sharing an update on the Roxy with site tours set to recommence as soon as it is deemed safe.

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