Art Deco Way Leeton touring route launched

Published on 15 June 2022

Art Deco billboard

Leeton Shire Council is proud to launch the Art Deco Way touring route, which is a campaign to entice visitors off traditional highway corridors to explore our Shire.

The campaign includes strategically placed billboards on the Newell and Sturt Highways, as well as the Kidman Way coming out Griffith. These will also be supported by a social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram as well as a bi-monthly blog/electronic newsletter which will highlight visitor attractions and experiences in Leeton and surrounds.

Council’s Group Manager Shire Activation Andrew Reilly said that the intention of this new touring route is to encourage travellers to visit inland destinations such as Leeton.

“The highway billboard signs have been placed at selected locations to encourage travellers to detour through Leeton Shire and experience our many Art Deco features and other attractions.”

Leeton Shire Mayor Cr Tony Reneker said that the launch of this new touring route was timely with the Australian Art Deco Leeton event fast approaching.

“I have received many positive comments already regarding the new highway billboard signs and how they will help to promote our Shire to a wider audience. They add significantly to our strategy to position Leeton as the Art Deco Capital of Regional Australia.”

This project has been funded by the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 4.