Leeton Shire Council Community Satisfaction Survey Findings Revealed

Published on 30 October 2024

2024 Micromex Community Survey Results-20.jpg

Findings from a survey focused on quality and life and community satisfaction in Leeton Shire, conducted by Micromex Research & Consulting in May 2024, was presented to Council at its Ordinary Meeting in October.

A total of 400 residents completed the survey via mobile or landline. The results were benchmarked against the results of councils of a similar size (population and area) and also compared with two previous surveys conducted in Leeton Shire in 2019 and 2021.

Key results received from the survey include:

  • 94% of those surveyed rated their quality of life in Leeton Shire as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ which is on par with 2019 and 2021 and, encouragingly, higher than the regional benchmark;
  • 78% of those surveyed were at least somewhat satisfied with the performance of the Council administration (down from 94% in 2021);
  • 83% of respondents were at least somewhat satisfied with the performance of the elected Councillors (a slight drop from 2021);
  • 80% of those surveyed were at least somewhat satisfied with Council’s customer service overall;
  • Highest satisfaction ratings were observed for library services, ovals, sportsgrounds and sporting facilities, cemeteries, parks, golf course, festivals and event programs, and support for the multicultural community;
  • Lowest satisfaction ratings were observed for local unsealed roads, Roxy Community Theatre, Council’s efforts for water security, health services and housing, and Council’s ability to make good decisions and sound financial management;
  • Local sealed town roads were being rated as ‘most important’, followed by water supply services, parks, waste management and cemeteries;
  • Majority of respondents agreed they feel safe during the day (90%), Leeton Shire gives a sense of living in a community (80%), traffic systems provide for safe and efficient traffic flow (78%), people in Leeton Shire have fair opportunity to participate in community life (77%), and there is urban vitality and a good lifestyle quality in Leeton Shire communities (76%);
  • Lower levels of agreement were observed for access to a good range of health services (21%), responsive and effective police services in Leeton Shire (23%), adequate public transport (35%), adequately managed weed incursions in the LGA (38%) and shops and services that meet residents’ needs (46%);
  • Respondents most valued the sense of community, rural lifestyle and peacefulness/quiet atmosphere in Leeton Shire. In addition, significantly more residents mentioned that there are more good employment and business opportunities compared to 2021. 

A copy of the Leeton Shire Council Community Satisfaction Survey Results can be viewed here.

Mayor Cr George Weston said the community feedback is very useful and will be applied in multiple ways.

“Firstly, the data will guide the refresh of the Leeton Community Strategic Plan and, secondly, Council will consider the feedback when it develops its new Delivery Program in early 2025. 

“Lastly, the findings will be used to advocate for improvements in services for which Council has no responsibility, but which are clearly of importance to the community, such as health services and policing,” he said.

Council would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate.



Monica Armanini
IP & R Coordinator
T. (02) 6953 0911
E. monicaa@leeton.nsw.gov.au

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