2023/24 Local Heritage Grants Recipients Announced
Published on 26 October 2023
Leeton Shire Council approved seven applications totalling $18,000 for funding assistance as part of the 2023/24 Local Heritage Places Grants Scheme at its October Ordinary Council meeting.
Under this annual Grants Program, funding is available for ‘Listed’ heritage items in the Leeton Local Environmental Plan 2014 or for buildings supported by Council’s heritage advisor as being of heritage significance.
The Local Heritage Places Grants for 2023/24 were advertised and open for applications during July and August 2023.
Applications for funding assistance were received and considered by Council’s Heritage Advisor Noel Thomson in conjunction with the Leeton Shire Council Heritage Committee.
The seven applications approved by Council were: repainting of external façade to shop ($2,250); new signage at shop front at “Morris Chambers” ($600); external timber repair works and painting to farm residence ($3,700); restoration of windows at residence ($2,750); external painting of St Peter’s Church ($5,000); and restoration of walls & ceiling at former Anglican Church ($3,700).
Chairman of the Leeton Shire Heritage Committee, Cr George Weston, congratulated the owners on their successful applications.
"We extend our gratitude to the proactive business owners who applied. By conserving our heritage assets, they're not just preserving the past, but also enhancing the future. We owe them a big thanks for ensuring these valuable pieces of our history are protected for future generations to enjoy."
Francois Van Der Berg
Manager Planning, Building & Health
T. (02) 6953 0911
E. francoisv@leeton.nsw.gov.au