No longer on display. Expired on
21 April 2023, 05:00 PM
Leeton Shire Council is proposing to amend the land use table that applies to zone RU5 Village. Planning Proposal PP-2022-4277 applies to all land that is zoned RU5 Village in Leeton local government area. That is all land within the settlements of Whitton, Murrami and Wamoon.
The intended outcomes of the Planning Proposal are:
- To support the development of housing diversity in the small villages of Leeton local government area to cater to all sectors and life stages of the population and to address housing affordability. This is to be achieved by permitting a greater range of housing types in zone RU5 Village,
- To enable greater access to community, health and commercial services in small villages by permitting these uses in zone RU5 Village,
- To encourage economic and tourism business development in the small villages by permitting a greater range of commercial land uses in zone RU5 Village, and
- To correct anomalies in the land use table to zone RU5 Village regarding the permissibility of certain land uses.
Leeton Shire Council is authorised to exercise the functions of the local plan making authority under provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Planning Proposal is categorised as Standard and is required to be exhibited for 20 working days.
The Planning Proposal and supporting information will be on exhibition from 24 March 2023 until 21 April 2023. Supporting information includes:
- Gateway Determination issued by the Delegate of the Minister for Planning,
- Leeton Shire Council Local Strategic Planning Statement June 2020,
- Leeton On The Go – Our Community Strategic Plan – Towards 2030
- Leeton Shire Council Housing Strategy 2021-2041.
These documents can be viewed on Council’s website and are on display at the Leeton Shire Council office, Yanco Post Office, Whitton Post Office and Murrami Post Office.
Between 24 March and 21 April 2023, the community is invited to provide feedback on this Planning Proposal and supporting information (submissions should reference PP-2022-4277):
BY LETTER/IN PERSON: Post or hand in your submission to Leeton Shire Council, 23-25 Chelmsford Place Leeton, NSW 2705.
For more information, please contact the Manager Planning, Building & Health on (02) 6953 0911 or email