Leeton SunRice Festival

Next date: Thursday, 02 April 2026 | 06:00 PM to Monday, 06 April 2026 | 06:00 PM

SunRice Festival parade 2022

Held biennially at Easter, the Leeton SunRice Festival enlivens and transforms Leeton with a bold cultural celebration recognising the important role the rice industry plays in the region.

The festival program is unique in its diversity. Events include the extremely popular Balloon Glow on Easter Sunday, the Festival Street Parade and Festival on Mountford, and the Riverina Skate Championships and Ambassador competition.


  • Thursday, 02 April 2026 | 06:00 PM - Monday, 06 April 2026 | 06:00 PM


Pine Avenue, Leeton, 2705, View Map

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