Council is pleased to announce it will be running another ‘Dump for Free’ weekend from Saturday 15 March 2025 to Sunday 16 March 2025 for Leeton Shire residents at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Centre and Whitton Transfer Station.
We use a large amount of water inside the home for washing ourselves, our clothes, brushing our teeth, flushing toilets or cooking. This section aims to help you reduce water use in your home by making some small changes in behaviour and by exploring a range of modern, high quality water efficient technologies.
Use the home water calculator and the Blue House to see where you can save water in the home.
Discover specific information about saving water in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry and more in the following pages.
Click here to discover how to have a thorough wash without using excessive amounts of water.
1/4 of all the water we use in the bathroom is flushed down the toilet! It's easy to reduce water wastage here.
Manage taps wisely with these tips.
Cooking, cleaning and washing dishes uses a huge amount of water so see how to save more here.
15-20% of home water consumption is in the laundry, a high consumer of water, energy and detergents. Save them all here.
A continuously running toilet can waste up to 96,000 litres of water per year. Find out how to check if you have a leak and how to fix it.
Spend five minutes in our Blue House to see how easy it is to save water.
Use the home water calculator to see where you can save water in the home.