Liquid Trade Waste

Liquid Trade Waste - 1

Council regulates sewerage and trade waste discharges to its sewerage system in accordance with the NSW Framework for Regulation of Sewerage and Trade Waste.

Sewerage systems are generally designed to cater for waste from domestic sources that are essentially of predictable strength and quality.  Liquid trade wastes may exert much greater demands on sewerage systems than domestic sewage and, if uncontrolled, can pose serious problems to public health, worker safety, Council’s sewerage system and the environment.

The correct management of liquid trade waste helps to protect public health, employee safety, the environment, and Council’s sewerage system, as well as reducing waste and aiding in water conservation, water recycling and biosolids reuse.

What is Liquid Trade Waste?

Liquid trade waste is defined in the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 as ‘all liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature’ i.e. wastewater from a hand wash basin, shower, bath, toilet or domestic laundry

Liquid trade waste includes non-domestic liquid waste discharges to council’s sewerage system from:

  • industrial premises and business/commercial premises (such as a car wash facility, florist, hotel, dentist, restaurant, butcher, supermarket, etc.)
  • community/public premises (including clubs, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and nursing homes)
  • any commercial activities carried out at a residential premises (such as hairdressing, beautician, etc)
  • saleyards, racecourses, stables and kennels that are not associated with domestic households
  • tankered human waste, ship-to-shore waste from marina pump-out facilities, portable toilet waste and established sites for the discharge of pan contents from mobile homes/caravans
  • any other waste tankered to the sewerage facilities, such as commercial or industrial waste from areas that are not sewered.

Important Link:

Liquid Trade Waste Policy

Why do we need to manage trade waste?

  • Grease, oil, fat and solid material can cause blockages and overflows
  • Protect the health and safety of the public and Council employees – odours and toxic substances
  • Protect the sewer treatment infrastructure - strong waste can cause corrosion and kill the organisms required for effective sewerage treatment
  • Protect the environment

Approval to discharge Liquid Trade Waste

Businesses or government agencies proposing to discharge liquid trade waste to council’s sewer system must first seek approval from Council. Please ring Council on 02 6953 0911 to discuss and they will send you the applicable Liquid Trade Waste Application Form.

For further information or to discuss any aspect of liquid trade waste, contact Council on 02 6953 0911 or email 

For further information

For further information regarding Liquid Trade Waste, e.g. application process and associated fees and charges, please contact Council on 02 6953 0911 or


Important Link:

Liquid Trade Waste Policy