Branches overhanging a footpath or intrusive roots can potentially cause an obstruction which can hinder mobility including safe and controlled pedestrian movement.
Adjoining property
Please note that property owners are responsible for trees within their property boundary and should ensure overhanging branches are pruned back from the footpath to avoid injury.
If a neighbour’s tree is causing concern or damage to property or underground pipes, and/or obstructing sunlight or views, it is recommended that you discuss the problem with your neighbour first, as they may be unaware of the concern or damage the tree is causing.
Note: Disputes between neighbours are private matters which are regulated by the Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006 No 126. Council is not the regulatory authority in these matters and will only get involved if the tree/s in question is listed a Heritage Item or Development Consent is required to harm the tree.
Council property
If you see overhanging branches from a Council owned tree, please report a concern or contact Council on 02 6953 0911 or send an email to