Council is pleased to announce it will be running another ‘Dump for Free’ weekend from Saturday 15 March 2025 to Sunday 16 March 2025 for Leeton Shire residents at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Centre and Whitton Transfer Station.
An On-Site Sewage Management System is a wastewater system which is installed within the boundaries of a property not serviced by Council's reticulated sewer system. Examples of these system include septic tanks, collection wells, aerated wastewater treatment system and greywater treatment systems.
Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, an owner is required to obtain approvals to install and operate a system of sewage management from Council. The fees are outlined in the Fees and Charges Schedule (search 'onsite sewerage') and will be applied upon lodgement of these applications.
Please visit NSW Planning Portal and apply for an 'Approval under Sec. 68 of Local Government Act 1993'. In addition, Council requires the following details to support the application:
Under the Local Government Act 1993 Council is to maintain a register of all On-Site Sewage Management Systems installed throughout the local government area and carry out an inspection program according to a level of hazard associated with a particular system. Please note that Council is currently working on establishing a formal policy and inspection program for the installation and operation of the systems and all owners will be made aware of these prior to their implementation.