Animals in the Pound
Below is a current register of all animals currently held at Leeton Pound (Impounding Facility).
To report a missing dog, please contact Council on 02 6953 0911 so that every effort can be made to reunite them with their owner. If your pet is currently missing, and is not listed on our page please get in touch to help identify your pet if it is picked up.
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Picking up a lost pet?
Lost pets picked up by our Rangers are held at Council’s Impounding Facility at 10-16 Massey Avenue, Leeton (behind the Works Depot in Vance Industrial Estate). Owners must pay a release fee before they can take their pet home, and will also be required to microchip their pet and pay a registration, if their pet is not already registered.
If we can’t get in touch with owners, pets picked up by our Rangers are kept at the Leeton Shire Council Impounding Facility for the minimum of 14 days for an animal that has been microchipped and a minimum of 7 days for animals without microchips. After this time animals may be put up for adoption, if unclaimed.
Council will not enter into any dispute over ownership of the animal should more than one person claim to be the owner.
If you wish to confirm any information relating to impounded animals please contact the Leeton Shire Council Ranger Services team on 02 6953 0911.
Council’s emergency number is 02 6953 0911.