Council is the ARA (Appropriate Regulatory Authority) in dealing with noise complaints for non-scheduled activities.
Council is responsible under the Protection of the Environment Act and under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act for ensuring that certain activities and developments appropriately manage noise so as not to cause a nuisance or harm to others.
Prior to lodging a noise complaint with Council, it is important for you to have attempted to resolve the issue yourself by talking with the owner or person responsible for the noisy activity. Neighbours may be unaware of the discomfort you are experiencing and in most instances will try assist in resolving the issue.
If you have tried this but continue to be impacted by unreasonable noise you can contact Council’s Building, Planning and Health team on 02 6953 0911 or email
Council is provided with a range of enforcement options including the service of a Noise Control Notice, Noise Abatement Direction, Prevention Notice, and / or Compliance Cost Notice. Non-compliance with these notice/s may lead to legal action being instituted or a penalty infringement notice being issued.
It should be noted that noise-generating activities undertaken by public authorities such as Council, the Roads and Traffic Authority, State Rail Authority, and Sydney Water etc are not the responsibility of Council, but are the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
A significant number of noise complaints are received and investigated by Council each year. The complaints reflect the various situations, whether they are mechanically generated or human activities, in which a person's awareness of and tolerance towards a noise source are subjected.