Leeton Shire Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purpose of managing the Recycling Shop located at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Depot.
Leeton Shire Library provides a vibrant space for residents and visitors, with a range of programs, events and services.
We are excited to be part of the Riverina Regional Library.
Please click on the link below for more information about our services.
The Leeton Shire Library is bound by the RRL policies, as per the RRL Deed of Agreement.
Library - streetscrape with flowering Jacarandas (JPG, 655KB) Library - Multicultural Resources Area (JPG, 406KB) Library - Medieval exhibit - seniors week (JPG, 283KB) Children using Computers (JPG, 296KB) Library-Autumn-Holidays-activity (JPG, 315KB) Library-service-area (JPG, 408KB)
Library - streetscrape with flowering Jacarandas
Library - Multicultural Resources Area
Library - Medieval exhibit - seniors week
Children using Computers
Monday to Friday:
9.30am to 5.00pm
Saturday: 9am to noon
02 6953 0945
Leeton Shire Library Facebook
Cnr Dooley Lane Sycamore St