Leeton Shire Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purpose of managing the Recycling Shop located at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Depot.
Pre-lodgement meetings are for people who intend to lodge a Development Application and would like advice and assistance in the early stages of the planning and design of their development proposal. Pre-lodgement meetings help identify key issues and ensure applicants are on the ‘right track’. They are not intended to investigate every detail of the development proposal as this is covered through the formal development assessment process. One of the advantages of attending a pre-lodgement meeting in the early stages of preparing a Development Application is that it will assist you to prepare a full and detailed Development Application and will allow Council to be able to process the Development Application more efficiently. When a pre-lodgement meeting has been held the applicant has the opportunity to listen to the advice provided by Council Officers.
Important Information
Alternatively, hard copy forms can be obtained:
Hard copy forms may be submitted in person at Council’s Office at 23-25 Chelmsford Place, Leeton. Scanned application forms can also be emailed to council@leeton.nsw.gov.au.
Following receipt of your request, Council will confirm the meeting date, time and place via email/letter. Please contact Council if you haven't received a meeting date within five working days of lodging your application. Note: Meetings will be booked based on the date of which the application has been received. Council does try to meet requests for specific dates but this cannot be guaranteed due to the large number of requests received by Council. If you have supplied inadequate information with your request, the Council Officer assigned to the application may contact you to advise whether further information is required before the meeting.
At the end of your pre-lodgement meeting, Council Officers will document issues discussed and recommendations made for your proposal. Council will send a copy of this information to you within 14 working days of the meeting. Any delays in sending the notes will generally be advised in advance; either at the meeting or directly after the meeting.
Pre-lodgement meetings are held at Council’s Administrative Centre, on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons with prior appointments.
A Council Officer(s) will attend your pre-lodgement meeting. A Planning Officer and/or relevant Manager will chair the meeting and other relevant technical experts will also attend the meeting.
At the meeting you can discuss:
Council Officers will give their professional opinion on the proposal and provide guidance where possible. However, the meeting is not intended to pre-empt the outcome of the Development Application.
If you proceed to formal lodgement of a Development Application Council will assess your Development Application against the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the specific environmental planning instruments and policy documents that apply within the Leeton Shire Council area. Submissions received in relation to your application will also be considered.
The quality of advice given depends on the accuracy of the information you provide. It is essential you research the proposal to identify relevant issues to raise at the meeting. You should provide as much detail as possible about the proposal, including:
With regards to the plans lodged, Council does not need fully worked up plans (plans ready for Development Application lodgement).
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